A conscious farewell

When you have decided to separate or divorce, you have the option to take this step with respect and regard for yourself and your partner. For this to happen it requires several emotional steps. Professional support may prevent many difficulties for you and your children which relate to struggles with ex-partners. Current statistics say that only about 20% of divorces are amicable. Support during separation may assist you to get over the injuries of such a life-changing experience and helps you establish respectful communication with your ex-partner.

Professional support is helpful because
  • a respectful fare well honours the past you shared
  • it facilitates letting go
  • it establishes personal boundaries in order to create space for something new
  • you learn to communicate amicably and constructively about joint responsibilities, such as supporting and co-parenting your children
  • it facilitates the needed involvement of both parents in your children’s lives
  • it takes the weight off of your children, who are usually drawn into ongoing parental conflicts and may even feel responsible for them
  • it insures that the pain of loss is not transformed into self-destructive hatred and anger