Generation Dialogue Workshop
Post-Childhood Nurturing
"The best, most connected weekend I have ever had with my father" W.M. son
"I wish everybody could experience what I´ve experienced this weekend. It would change their lives" S.M. daughter |
"Best thing we ever did" Maya Kollman, Imago Master Trainer |
Dates 2018 -2020 (Workshops in English); Flyer PDF English
Stockholm, Sweden
June 1 - 3, 2018
fully booked
Dates 2019- 2020 (» Workshops in German)
Generation Dialogue Workshop |
This 2.5 day workshop for mothers or fathers with their adult daughters or sons (or their stepchild) was developed by our colleagues Dr. Sabine und Roland Bösel ( For years, we have been supporting generation pairs and have held this workshops in German and English in Austria, the USA (Texas, California, and New Jersey), Sweden, Slovenia, Croatia and South Africa. We have also trained international colleagues to offer this workshop in their home countries, such as Australia, New Zealand, Estonia and Israel.
To register: » contact form
The power of our family's emotional legacy This workshop is for mothers/fathers and adult daughters/sons who have the courage to safely work on an authentic, mutually satisfying relationship. Unresolved family patterns can sabotage individual growth, subtly emerge in romantic relationships, and influence parenting styles. Thus, often unconsciously, they will be passed on to the next generation. Through guided structured dialogues that support empathic listening, the parent/child pair becomes conscious of relationship dynamics within their own family, gaining the opportunity to rewrite old family patterns and create a legacy of loving and supportive relationships. Generation work also uncovers unique resources found in each family, which are honored as a source of strength.
Generation work is peace work within your own family Healing repetitive family themes not only positively impacts your relationship with your own parent(s) or adult children, but also fosters your individual growth. Thus, generation work opens you to your full potential and facilitates a self-determined life through which you may find your own path in your relationships.
This workshop provides you with the opportunity to:
- Address previously unspoken feelings.
- Clear up misunderstandings and heal old injuries.
- Facilitate reconciliation and peace.
- Call forth potentials that were previously inaccessible.
- Practice a kind and respectful way of interacting that will help you create a mutually satisfying relationship in the future.
- Recognize that even painful experiences can foster the development of personal resources and strength.
- Ensure that difficult emotional experiences and interactions will no longer be passed on to future generations.
This workshop is for you if you:
- Would like to tend to your relationship with your mother, your father, your adult son, or your adult daughter or stepchild.
- Would like to safely address an issue which you have been carrying for a long time.
- Would like to express your love and validation for each other.
- Would like to free yourself from restricting family patterns.
- Have experienced hurtful interactions or transgressions of personal boundaries and long to have your pain heard and acknowledged.
- Want to utilize your family as a source for healthy personal growth.
- Want to serve as a role model for growth within your own family.
- Want to engage in a dialogue to release your daughter or son into adulthood and thus create a mutually satisfying and respectful relationship.
What to expect:
- We support you in defining your specific goals for this workshop.
- We demonstrate structured dialogues and assist you while you engage with each other.
- We support you in finding the right words to express your concern and feelings.
- We help you activate your inner resources to strengthen your confidence.
- You will find support and personal exchange within your own generation group (parents group, sons/daughters group).
- We will present theoretical concepts underlying the difference between a conscious versus an unconscious relationship, between respectful closeness versus emotional distance, blurred boundaries and/or codependency.
Your privacy will be respected. In addition, all participants agree to keep utmost confidentiality.
What participants have said about our workshop:
“What a great experience! I echo everything that was said about our group and the professional and warm approach you took. Quite frankly, I had never experienced two men have a conversation with that much depth and vulnerability. I thoroughly enjoyed it!” K.H. (son)
“Thank you for your guidance throughout the workshop!
We were more than happy with our workshop weekend. We achieved a lot and the experiences for sure enhanced our relationship. Looking forward to meet you again with my two other wonderful children“ L.M. (Mother)
“Indeed it was a very good weekend and my son and I valued it a lot.” T.S. (Father)
“Thank you so very much. It was super!!! You did a great job.” J.H. (Son)
“Thank you very much for a professional generation workshop. I learnt a lot and came to some deep insights. I hope to see you again in the future!”
A.G. (Mother)
“Sometimes you experience something real big in life. This weekend was a gift. My heart is full of joy and love for my son” H.N. (mother)
“Best workshop I ever participated in.” G.S. (mother)
“This workshop was soooo important for my growth. You were so supportive of our needs.” K.S. (daughter)
Claudia Luciak-Donsberger, Ph.D., M.A.
I am a licensed psychotherapist, certified Imago Advanced Clinician and, together with my husband Mikael, soon to be certified in Emotionally Focused Therapy. In my practice in Vienna, Austria, I mostly support couples and adult generation pairs. My personal experience and my work have shown me the importance of becoming conscious of personal family patterns in order to create self-determined, fulfilling relationships. I have been touched deeply by the emotional growth experienced as a two-time participant in a Bösel cross-generational workshop with two of my adult children. I look forward to participating at a workshop with my youngest daughter (19) this coming fall. Having lived and studied in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 20 years, I look forward to bringing this workshop to the US.
Mikael Luciak, Ph.D.
I am a licensed psychotherapist in Vienna, Austria and received my education and therapy training at the University of Vienna and at San Francisco State University. I previously provided individual and group therapy for psychiatric clients in Berkeley, California. Currently, I work with couples and generation pairs in my private practice in Vienna. I am a certified Imago relationship therapist and in the licensing process for Emotionally Focused Therapy. I have supported Sabine and Roland Bösel as a co-therapist in various generation, sibling, and couples workshops and am deeply touched by the impact of the structured dialogues I experienced with many couples and generation pairs as well as with my own children. Just recently I participated at a workshop with our youngest daughter (age 19), one of the most moving experiences of my life.